How to exchange STAR collected in KingsGame?

Updated 25 days ago

How to redeem the STAR Rewards?

Step 1: Log in to your KingsGame account and click "My Account".

Step 2: On the My Account page, you will see "My KingsGame STAR".   Click "Redeem Now" to proceed.

Step 3: After clicking, you will be directed to the KingsGame Star Rewards page, do claim your coupons based on the amount STAR collected.

3 (i) You may also directly click on "Eligible To Redeem" in the top left filter section to check which coupons you can redeem with the amount of STAR owned.

Step 4: Click on the coupons based on the available STAR in your account and click "Redeem" to proceed.

Step 5: Once redeemed, you may check it on your account under the "My Coupons" section.

Step 6: You may select the product you would like to purchase and apply the coupons shown on the order placement page. The price after applying coupons will be shown in finalize checkout page.

Thank you.

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